Brain Droppings

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I Rant...

Good Morning/Afternoon All. I feel (inhale) rejuvenated (and exhale). Ok, maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. I have nothing to look forward to at work but oddly enough I feel like I've had a healthy helping of sleep and a side order of attitude adjustment.
I don't know what's gotten into me but I have to say I think it's reality. My head is always in the clouds. Most of the time I know what's going on in the real world but I usually I end up thinking of wonderful outcomes to situations I know will not fix themselves.
A customer just informed me how wrong it is that I received a promotion but am still at my old position. Made me a little feel sick to my stomach but, whatcha gonna do. I'm tired of belly aching about the same things. I thought about the logic I dispensed to my boss about this situation is useless because I'm still going to obligated to deal with being the receptionist for the time being.

Other things I've thought about this morning are...Irons. I was ironing my shirt when I see this huge black steak on the collar (I'm attempting not to look like a complete vagrant). I was pissed. I didn't know where it came from. I look at the bottom of my iron and there it was! Black gue all over the bottom of my iron. I suspect who had a hand ruining my iron but I can't confirm so I won't point any accusatory fingers. Anyway I shrug my shoulders and say "screw it". I scratched off the black stuff and keep it moving. Onto bigger things like the rain... Why do I feel like I live in Seattle instead of NYC? NO MORE RAIN DAMN IT! <--- nothing else to say on this subject...guess it wasn't that big of an issue after all. There are other subjects that i woud love to ramble on about though i'm question my own sanity right now. Whatever, if I can't rant here where can i rant? People on cell phones (i know everyone has something to say about this). If your on the train and your about to go underground pls don't start yelling "hello, hellooo, can you hear me?" No fuckers they can't hear you, YOUR UNDERGROUND!

Ok, that's it for now but don't fret i will be back soon to continue my bitching and complaining.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

soon grasshopper soon. Most likely after I turn in my midterm this weekend. Its nice to know my fans await with baited breath.

4:00 PM  

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